What Those Who Know Are Saying
"Dan Morhaim's knowledge as an ER doctor and his empathy for the dying—and the living—comes through in every chapter. He provides the questions we all should be asking and answering about death and dying."
– Ben Cardin, US Senator
"Dan Morhaim's Preparing for A Better End is an important read. He brings experience and sensitivity to a challenging topic, one that we too often avoid, and he does so in a way that is accessible, practical, and sympathetic. This is a book for everyone who wants the best of medical care for themselves and their loved ones."
– Leana Wen, MD, Emergency Medicine Physician, Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University, author of When Doctors Don't Listen: How to Avoid Misdiagnoses and Unnecessary Tests
"Preparing for A Better End is a timely exploration of the power of advance care planning. As a former state legislator and physician, Dr. Morhaim cogently argues for a more thoughtful and proactive approach to end-of-life planning. Do yourself and your loved ones a favor: fill out an advance directive now and read this book!"
– Edo Banach, JD, President and CEO, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
"Compelling truths that enable families to choose dignity over depravity, love over loneliness, and fairness over bias. A must-read to prepare for a better end."
Leon McDougle, MD, MPH, President, National Medical Association
Chief Diversity Officer, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
"Dan Morhaim provides key insights into ways to navigate the difficult end-of-life journey traveled by individuals and families across the country. This valuable guide offers thoughtful policy analysis while also highlighting essential considerations for you and your loved ones so that you can make decisions consistent with your values and wishes."
– Chris Van Hollen, US Senator
"End-of-life care is increasingly complex, and deserves informed, clear decision making. This invaluable book gives practical, wise, and deeply compassionate support as we traverse the final days of our human journey."
– Tara Brach, author of Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life With the Heart of a Buddha
"I applaud the Morhaims' commitment to humanity as they encourage us to embrace the reality of our mortality. This book demonstrates that we have power to control our destiny, including the transition to death. We are best served by doing so, for ourselves and for those we inevitably leave behind."
– David O. Fakunle, Ph.D., Co-Founder & CEO, DiscoverME/RecoverME: Enrichment Through the African Oral Tradition, Associate Faculty, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Chair, Maryland Lynching Truth and Reconciliation Commission
“Preparing for A Better End is an excellent resource for anyone working through the process of making decisions about end-of-life care. It is suitable for a broad range of people, including people who have different convictions about certain end-of-life questions. I heartily recommend Dr. Morhaim’s work to other clergy and religious leaders.”
– Rev. Jason Poling, DMin, Episcopal Priest and Director, Doctor of Ministry Program, St. Mary's Seminary & University
"Prevention and planning are the best ways to manage complex health care issues. This book gives the reader both the reasons and methods to do so, the 'why' and the 'how to,' especially when facing serious illness. It's about empowerment and respect for individual values, something we can all use in difficult situations."
– Clarence Lam, MD, MPH, Preventive Medicine Residency Program Director & Assistant Scientist, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
"Dr. Morhaim's excellent book provides practical advice for navigating the medical, emotional, social, and spiritual complexities of the serious illness journey. It does so in a way that promotes patient centered decision-making, especially at life's end, protecting patients and family alike. It's a clearly written and much-needed guide that all can use."
– Robert L. Fine, MD, FACP, FAAHPM, Clinical Director Baylor Scott & White Health, Office of Clinical Ethics and Palliative Care
"Dr. Morhaim's Preparing for A Better End is both approachable and comprehensive for providers and patients alike. This roadmap for end-of-life care and decision-making explores many different scenarios while helping to demystify this deeply personal experience that each of us must navigate."
– Robert Barish, MD, MBA, Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs, University of Illinois at Chicago; Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Illinois College of Medicine
"Death, like birth, is a multi-dimensional experience that deserves intelligent action and choices to support the potential for experiencing deep meaning and love. Dan and Shelley Morhaim are the perfect guides to this irreplaceable time of the life journey. Our culture has long needed an evolutionary book like this, and it is finally here!"
– Jessica Dibb, Inspiration Consciousness School / Convergence Center for Policy Resolution
"Bringing the individual and the family into health care decision making has to be one of its core values. This book keeps that as its focus, while providing sound, practical advice about navigating the healthcare system when things get tough. In that way, Dr. Morhaim helps patients, families, providers, and society. I recommend this book highly."
– Angelo Volandes, MD, Advance Care Planning Decisions / Harvard Medical School / Massachusetts General Hospital, author of The Conversation: A Revolutionary Plan for End-of-Life Care
"Preparing for A Better End unfolds like a leisurely walk with a mentor. You find yourself understanding things that others have tried to tell you for years. Morhaim uses an array of stories from a lifetime of diverse experience to teach, not preach. Advance care planning is not new, but this is a fresh guide for why and how to use it."
– Nathan Kottkamp, Founder and Chair, National Healthcare Decisions Day
"While we prepare for several milestones in life such as marriage, children or even retirement, too often we as a society overlook the importance of advance care planning. Dan Morhaim's Preparing for A Better End provides the framework, expectations, and guidance needed to navigate this intimidating process and helps to break it down in a digestible manner that gives everyone the confidence needed to plan for the best end-of-life experience possible."
– Elizabeth Clayborne, MD, MA Bioethics, University of Maryland Department of Emergency Medicine
"Preparing for A Better End is a powerful, persuasive, very readable book on the importance of considering and planning for our eventual deaths. I am looking forward to using this exceptionally compassionate, honest, and forthright book in my ongoing practice and sharing it with the entire palliative team."
– Evangeline Calland, Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital, Charlottesville, VA
"Sometimes the simplest innovations are the hardest. In this case, it's completing advance directives. Dr. Morhaim makes a compelling case why this is something we should all do, and he shares how our digital age makes it easy and accessible."
– Molly Coye, MD, MPH, Executive-in-Residence AVIA Health